Hope and despair a theme in Together Behind Four Walls.

Hope and despair is a theme in Together Behind Four Walls.

Contributors include

Lynda Scott Araya, Chris White, Josiane
Vincent, Hélène Argo, Tiffany Apan, Francis
H Powell, Leela Soma, Sophie Jane Winter,
Shannon Pratuch, Linda Watkins, Christopher
T Dabrowski, Thomas Stockley, Margot
Henderson, Adele C. Geraghty

The poems contrast dark despair to positive hope.

Leela Soma’s poem is called “Sorrow”

Sophie Jane Winter gives a strong message with her poem “You are not alone”

This section includes a short story “The Hoarders” by Francis H Powell which is about a man who rushes in a panic to buy food, at the start of the pandemic, only to experience unfortunate problems. There is also a short story Silent night, lonely night by Linda Watkins, of a rather dark nature.

Visit https://www.goldcrestbooks.com/together-behind-four-walls/

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The book will be available to buy the 3rd September

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